When analysing Rihanna's, Russian Roulette poster to advertise the new single, I started off by looking at the colours used within the poster, the dark, black and red connotes the idea of danger and death, as well as explaing the title of the song a little more, 'Russian Roulette', the idea of death. The red text references to the idea of blood, as the typography used also has a drip, being a connotation of blood. The 'R' used for Rihanna in which is silver also connotes a sharp object and death and danger which links to the album and the artists ideology of 'Good girl gone bad'.
The image used of Rihanna in this poster shows her dominate, power side of her ideology which in her music career. The wire around her body connotes the idea of restriction, e.g S&M; it's very tight across her body, maybe showing the idea of wanting to cause pain, which may come across in her lyrics of the album in which she is advertising. Her expression on her face is very strong and almost glaring at the audience due to her staring into the camera, this may show the idea of being very dominate and strong within the album, showing her ideology throughout this poster.
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